Healing & Transformation Takes a Team!
If Your Modality or Licensure Does Not Allow Touch,
I Invite You to Explore How Collaboration Might Support Your Client's Healing Journey!
I Invite You to Explore How Collaboration Might Support Your Client's Healing Journey!
My bodywork training is extensive. In fact, within the training of these two modalities, STREAM and Alchemical Alignment, various modalities are contained within each of these trainings:
I have also had a full-time practice as a Somatic Sex Educator/Sexological Bodyworker since 2016.
Many practitioners work somatically (bottom-up), and are trauma-informed, including myself. However, the scope of my practice also includes hands-on and hands-in bodywork, as well as other touch/somatic modalities for trauma resolution and building nervous system resilience and capacity.
When I say I do "scar tissue remediation", that not only involves the obvious physical scars that one might see on the surface of the body, but also refers to the scars and imprints that are inhibiting one's expression on many layers, levels and dimensions. My teacher and mentor, Ellen Heed, refers to this as working with the "Seen and Unseen" aspects of our Being. When we touch the body, we are touching their WHOLE history, even ancestral and existential! Do your clients struggle when it comes to sexual expression, individually and/or relationally? Including hands-on scar tissue remediation work (working hands-on and hands-in, psyche and soma, from patterns to presence) could be the missing link in resolving and renegotiating some of your clients imprints and chronically recurring survival strategies that are inhibiting their fullest expression of aliveness and joy. I work with them both individually and relationally. This is a practice of "Mapping" and "Tracking" the state of one's nervous system to provide a visceral experience of first "landing and locating" within one's body in order to truly embody a sense of safety, so that they may then develop empowered voice and choice as it relates to their boundaries and desires in each moment. My practice is grounded in the work of Betty Martin's Wheel of Consent. We always start there! The following pages will describe the arc of my work with clients: Trauma-Informed Bodywork/Hands-on/Direct Experience Learning
could be a crucial link in resolving imprints and stuck survival strategies that are inhibiting your clients' healing and transformation! |
And I cannot forget to mention that I began apprenticeship with Jaiya way back in 2013, have travelled internationally with her to support her VIP clientele and events, and am currently 1of 4 Master Trainer/Lead Coaches. She has trained me not only extensively in the Erotic Blueprints™, but also in the realms of Transpersonal Bodywork.