Private Lover's Immersion Retreat in Baja Sur!
You Deserve a Wildly Fulfilling, Deeply Connected Erotic Life!
This is a PRIVATE Retreat: ONE COUPLE Working Privately with Connie Eberhart
This is a PRIVATE Retreat: ONE COUPLE Working Privately with Connie Eberhart
El Pescadero, Baja, Mexico
Choose some dates for this winter! Contact Me!
- Casa Hygge: website here
- Includes Preparatory Sessions + 6 Month's Coaching!
- Includes Premium Membership to the Er*tic Blueprint™ Breakthrough Program & Video Library
- Your chance to work with me privately in your own private, beautiful bungalow in El Pescadero! (A small town north of Cabos San Lucas!)
Whether Private Couple's Immersion Retreats are offered in Boulder, CO...or lovely Destination Locations...they are all uniquely curated to the needs of each individual and couple. Each Immersion is for one couple only. I encourage you to review my website to learn about all the modalities and specialties that I bring to my clients.
- Each partner comes into a relationship with their own history, scripts, habits and patterns, especially as it relates to our sexuality. Receive INDIVIDUALIZED virtual and hands-on/direct-experience/bodywork sessions to discover and address any blocks have been holding you back from full expression and connection!
- Be guided through Somatic & Communication Practices for embodied consent as you learn to give and receive touch that heals, connects and arouses.
- Receive hands-on instruction based on each of your Erotic Blueprints™. Includes Blueprint Mapping, States/Stages of Sexuality and your Obstacles & Pathways to Pleasure.
- Receive a total of 7 Direct-Experience/Hands-on Sessions! (Includes Individual and Couple's Sessions)