The foundation of all challenges in our sexual expression, as well as possibilities for healing and expansion of our erotic capacity, lies within our nervous system. An Immersive Retreat will allow us to work together through experiential somatic learning and hands-on sessions to address any challenges and rewire your nervous system to be able to expand into new pathways to pleasure. What a better way work on your sexual expression?! Removing yourselves from your typical duties, responsibilities and routines affords a new perspective and an opportunity to retreat from constraints and obligations to dive deep to breakthrough blocks to pleasure and realize new erotic possibilities you never thought possible! What is an Immersion Retreat?An Immersion Retreat is an opportunity for hands-on education, WHOLE bodywork, and direct-experience learning with the intention of re-patterning and renegotiating outdated threat physiology that is keeping us from our fullest expression of health, vitality and intimate connection. What do I mean by “outdated threat physiology”? These are actually very intelligent responses of our nervous system that are expressing as “symptoms” and “stuck energy” in our physical, emotional and subtle bodies. What may present as a “low-libido”, “high-libido”, or “mismatched desires” likely has much to do with each partner’s nervous system. How can we expect any of us to be sensitive to - or available for - pleasure, sensation and deepened connection when we are most likely constantly operating from states of threat physiology?! Even - and especially - in these tumultuous times, it is more important than ever, that despite external chaotic conditions….we prioritize and create shared experiences of resource, regulation, co-regulation, pleasure, creativity, aliveness, joy and connection! (I would say this is imperative in order to meet these challenging demands!)
My work is somatic, and this is also why I describe it as “direct-experience”. What is unique about my scope of practice is that it is not only somatic, but includes hands-on education and WHOLE bodywork. I am trauma-trained and I work directly with the body; the nervous system, the physiology of trauma, the neurobiology of connection, and the science of pleasure. (More info can be found on my website. In this space, I wish to get more specific on how time is spent during an Immersion Retreat). General Flow & Outline:We will have a minimum of one 90-minute Preparatory Call prior to the Immersion Retreat. If you are a couple, I will also have an individual call with each of you. Some clients do virtual work with me for multiple weeks, or even months, prior to attending their Immersion. We begin with an Introductory Evening/Day One, where we get to finally meet one another in person, your nervous system gets a chance to orient to the space, and we begin to “map” where you are at with some communication practices, and perhaps simple touch practices. The primary focus of this evening is to establish safety in the body, in the space, and to learn about embodied consent and empowered voice and choice. Overall Theme: Mapping & Tracking This is about noticing, honoring, naming, valuing, and communicating what is arising/happening…moment-to-moment. When we communicate, there is information. When there is touch, there is information. We are listening to the physical body, the emotional body and the subtle body. As a facilitator and guide to this experience, I am paying attention to right-distance, right-pacing, right-timing and right-relationship. We don’t have to “dig into the past”, we just create the conditions for the body to speak to us. The body never lies! Day Two: Of course, this depends on the overall goals for our work together. We begin with establishing a visceral/embodied sense of landing and locating (safety) in the body. We start with communication, and perhaps some direct-experience exercises. We move at the pace of the nervous system. Touch is incorporated as it is appropriate to the desired learning, generally with some cranial sacral work and “bone holding”. We are mapping and tracking your nervous system, and titrating in “activation/provocation” only at a pace that your nervous system can digest, integrate, and easily then return back to “safety”. The more re-patterning and neural learning there is, the more flexibility and capacity there will be within your nervous system for expanded creativity, playfulness, aliveness and joy! HEALTH!
Day Three: If this is an Immersion for an individual, this will be a morning Integration Session. Let’s check-in to see what arose yesterday, and over the evening! How does this get integrated into your life as you return home? Some individuals choose to have a full day off for integration, and then return on day four for a morning bodywork session. The Integration session would be either that afternoon, or the next morning. Couples: Partner A will be the “Receiver” on the massage table, and Partner B the “Giver”. We could be including communication practices, energy dynamics, Erotic Blueprints, mapping; this will all be discussed during our preparatory calls and sessions. Despite what we “figured” or “planned” ahead of time, we will continue to “work with” what arises, moment-to-moment. Habits and patterns have a way of demanding their own timing of integration! After lunch/nature break, then partners will switch roles of Giving and Receiving. Day Four: Individuals will have a “day four” only if there has been at least one full day off for integration time on their own. Couples may also choose to have a full day off for integration, as well. Generally, couples will come in for the morning for their “Integration Session”. A LOT happened over the previous 2.5 days! Now we take a step back to review what arose, what we noticed, and how to integrate this learning as you return back home. This was all NEW NEURAL LEARNING! And yet, “old habits are hard to break”! It is highly recommended that we do continue with ongoing integrative coaching mentorship. (If you have been referred by a therapist, you will have new learning to bring into your work with them!) In an ideal world, we will have the opportunity to do ongoing work together and include 1 or 2 additional Immersion Retreats. "Old Habits Die Hard!" Consider devoting the year of 2025 to consistent, realistically-based attention and intention to new understandings, beliefs and behaviors that will Set You Up For a LIFETIME OF DEEPENED INTIMATE CONNECTION & SEXUAL SATISFACTION!
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